Friday, January 29, 2010

Excuses, excuses...

Alright, so I totally have posts planned! Good posts! Lots of posts! My problems are twofold:
1. I am ill. My mother got something or another which seems to have migrated into pneumonia. I managed to contract whatever she had before the pneumonia which mostly just makes me want to be asleep all the time. Instead, I had a project at work with a super tight deadline so I've been skipping classes to sleep so I can finish my deadline. That is now met.
2. Classes. Holy shit, I have a lot of classes! I had to skip 3 of them this week due to illness, but the one class I did not miss was chemistry. Unfortunately, I hate chemistry. I hate it with a firey passion. Well, that's not fair. I actually really like chemistry. I'm a chem major. I just hate this particular chemistry class which I unfortunately need for my major. This is the worst professor ever (more on that later, I suspect strongly there will be more about it come Tuesday when I'll be stuck in the class again) and I can't drop the class without postponing my graduation for a full semester. I am therefore stuck in an incredibly remedial class that feels like having my teeth pulled for 3 hours nightly twice a week. I would honestly rather go to the dentist AND the OB/GYN to be lectured about my hygiene twice a week. That is how bad it is.

Anyway, I just hate to not post because I'm enjoying it so much so I figured I'd come make my excuses to the interwebz.

Assuming I don't come down with pneumonia to match my mother, I'm planning to FINALLY hit the gym on Tuesday. I know, I've only been saying that for what, 2 weeks now?

Oh and Operation: Eat Less Meat has so far been successful. I managed to avoid meat for a week. I finally ate some last night in a lasagna because I was sick and didn't feel like making my own damn dinner.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Who wants to be a vegetarian?!

Right, so I think I want to become a vegetarian. In my current situation, straight up vegginess is impractical at best. I'm still living at home, money is tight and there's only one kitchen. If I'm going to eat with everyone else, I can't very well be all "Hey mom! I'm never eating meat again! Can you make something?!" and since there's only one kitchen, I can't exactly make my own food around meal times. Consequently, I'm thinking until I get relocated I'm going to be off meat that's not part of a pre-prepared meal that someone else prepared. I figure if it's just burgers, it's not too hard to grill up a shiitake mushroom cap instead, but spaghetti is a whole other thing.

This way, at least I'm going to be cutting my meat down to pretty low. My problem is that I strongly suspect I have EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, it's basically disordered eating that's not anorexia or bulimia) and I'm fairly worried that I'll turn this into some crazy behavior. Also, with school and everything I'm out of the house approximate 12-13 hours a day, so I don't have a lot of time to eat and if I'm down to veggies and grains, I'm running the serious risk of not eating enough calories. To compensate, I'm thinking 4 meals a day is probably a good idea. I'm also trying to work out some menus so I don't have to think too much about my food on days when I'm busy.

I don't know why, but yesterday suddenly it felt like a good idea to just stop. I came up with the idea of Greek salads for dinner, crudite and boiled eggs for lunch, and pasta for second dinner. For breakfast, I tend to do best with meal replacement shakes just because I can eat them in the car. Of course, I followed up this revelation by going to the coffee shop to get a pastry for dinner and realizing they sold Chik-Fil-A sandwiches, so I had one of those. But I use the excuse that the only thing I'd eaten yesterday before that was a breakfast shake, soooo yeah.

Anyway, I actually have to cut this short. I was having breathing trouble and had to hit the inhaler and now I'm getting shakey and just not good. Albuterol is horrible, but it's still better than slowly suffocating I guess.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

So, good news/bad news.

Good news: I went to the gym today!
Bad news: I can't use the gym until at least Thursday because they couldn't get my car printed out. Soooo Friday evening now is my official exercise start date. I left my gym bag in the car, at least, so I've got that going for me.

It was kind of funny, because I actually DID want to go to the gym today. Well, I didn't want to go deal with everything, but I was resigned to it and not trying to get out of it for once.

Instead of going to the gym, I'm attempting to make a list of workout music I can stick on my iPod.

Here's what I got so far:
I Believe in a Thing Called Love -- The Darkness
Stronger -- Kanye West
Bad Romance -- Lady Gaga
Paparazzi -- Lady Gaga
Womanizer -- Britney Spears
Circus -- Britney Spears
Here It Goes Again -- Ok Go
Walla Walla -- The Offspring
I Want You Bad -- The Offspring
The Kids Aren't Alright -- The Offspring
Mayday -- The Flobots
Love Me Dead -- Ludo
Awaken -- Disturbed
Ten Thousand Fists -- Disturbed
Stricken -- Disturbed
Firefly -- Breaking Benjamin
Home -- Breaking Benjamin
Water -- Breaking Benjamin
Hypnotize -- System of a Down
Cowboy Casanova -- Carrie Underwood
Dance Dance -- Fall Out Boy
Sugar We're Going Down -- Fall Out Boy
Breaking The Habit -- Lynkyn Park

Wow, that was a quick and easy blog entry, huh?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Last Night of Freedom

Well, this is my last night of freedom before classes start back up. To celebrate, I got myself Chinese take-out, a bottle of Pepsi, and a pint of strawberry sorbet. I also finally got my rental car from the insurance agency, so I am hell on wheels again.

So, how does a rockin' hot 20-something in the city with a pocket full of cash and a car spend her last free night? Why, she spends it playing video games, watching Criminal Minds, reading her old journal from middle school (it's kind of exactly like when you wake up after a bender and see a video of yourself the night before and you have no idea why you thought you were so funny or clever or talented)! Why? What did you expect?

Anyway, right now my big issue is that I really want to start exercising tomorrow. I am like, 90% sure I have free access to a gym as part of my tuition, I just have to bother to go get my school ID and I can do it. It will be no change in routine, I'll just have to go to the gym instead off class twice a week. But I am really worried that I'm not going to do it.

See, the thing about me is that I'm kind of a slack ass. I really am. If you give me any excuse to not do something, I won't do it. That's just how I roll, yo.

So anyway, here is my official proclamation:
Barring anything unreasonable intervening, I have every intention of going to the gym tomorrow. If I do not go, it will be because I am a lazy, lazy person and no other reason.

I also really need to figure out what I want to do once I get to the gym.

Seriously, how long are you supposed to run or lift weights or whatever it is people do there?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Book One: The Age of Innocence

Right, so I meant to do this post yesterday but then instead I bought Professor Layton and the Curious Village for the Nintendo DS and if you've ever played that game, you know exactly what I'm talking about and I need not say more.

Anyway, on late Saturday or early Sunday I finally finished reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, which was my first book finished this year (in all fairness, I started reading it last year but then joined a book club and it got put at the end of the list).

The following review may contain spoilers, but this book is 90 years old. If you have not read it by now it is more or less fair game for spoilers.

I really think I am glad that I took the time to think about this before I posted a review of it. When I first read it, I was kind of confused and disappointed. Having taken a few days to ponder it (and solve word problems for fun), I've come to the conclusion that it's one of a certain genre of books that are better with an unhappy ending.

There, I came out and said it, but you know it's true. Sometimes, stories are better when the ending is bittersweet, because there is no way that the characters could be happy in their situations, like Great Expectations. You know what kind of books I'm talking about.

Anyway, I spent the entire book hoping that Newland wouldn't leave May to try to run off with Ellen, because I knew that running wouldn't solve the problem. His bigger problem was that he lived in the time he lived in. Running away wouldn't have made his life any better, and Ellen was right to leave when she did.

But by that same token, I was really bummed when he refused to go visit her in Paris and sat outside instead, because at that point there was no reason he couldn't go to her. But I thought about it, though. He couldn't go in, because going in would have ruined his fantasy. At that point, it was more about what she represented to him than it was about her anymore, and he knew that going inside would destroy that fantasy.

It was also unusual how much I really liked Newland, though. I liked everyone, which always makes a book better.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

In which we discuss the purpose of a personal motto...

(Fake editor's note: I just finished reading my first book of the year and it may come as a shock to know that said book was set in New York in the late 1800s, any peculiarities in my grammar and vocabulary at the moment can be attributed to the fact that I am, indeed, a damn dirty imitator when it comes to lingual patterns and tend to pick these things up easily. My apologies and more on that book in my next post.)

Right, so I really truly believe that a well rounded person requires some variety of personal motto or words to live by. These can be obtained from a variety of sources, really. Mine come from the internet, TV shows, and music. But I do feel fairly strongly on the matter.

I'm sure I have multiple reasons for feeling this way, but the one that I can pin down right now as being of particular importance is that I feel that having a motto or three gives you some kind of focus in your life, so that when things get difficult you have a single point of focus to get you through it. Wow that was a long sentence. I actually have 4 personal mottoes, all of which provide something different to me (two are actually retorts, but I love them desperately).

1. "Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy." This I actually stole from an episode of Scrubs. I can't remember the name, but here's the video of it happening on YouTube. However, the concept itself goes back at least to one of the trials of Hercules (I forget which one) wherein he is given the choice to either take a long, winding, easy path which may or my not lead toward his ultimate goal (I forget what that was) or an incredibly difficult, but ultimately shorter, path that would lead directly to whatever the fuck it was he was after. I think one of the women who was offering to guide him was named Work or Virtue. If I could remember a damn thing about the story beyond that very basic outline, I would probably start attributing that quote to it instead of to a TV show because I always feel kind of shallow when attributing life changing quotes to comedy television shows.
2. "Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future." This one becomes hilariously rerouted, similarly to the Hercules to Scrubs quote. I think it may be an Oscar Wilde quote, but I actually got it from a song by the band Ludo. It's repeated nearly constantly in the song "Topeka" off the CD "You're Awful, I Love You." Good quote, though! And fortunately, Ludo is still obscure enough that even if I were stealing it from them nobody would catch me.
3. "I guess I'm not your kind of lady." Similar to quote #2 in that I totally stole it from a song, but it was probably originally said by an actual person. The full line is from the song "Anne Braden" by The Flobots, which is the story of a real life white civil rights activist from Mississippi in the 50s. In the song, Anne and a group of other white women have been arrested when trying to talk to the governor of Mississippi about Willie McGee and then...
Then from her cell she heard her jailers
Grumbling about outsiders
And when she called him out
And said she was from the south they shouted
"Why is a nice southern lady
Making trouble for the governor?"
She said, "I guess I'm not your type of lady
And I guess I'm not your type of southerner.
But before you call me traitor
Well it's plainest just to say
I was a child in Mississippi
But I'm ashamed of it today."

It's pretty safe to say that I fucking LOVE that song. Seriously. Regardless, I find the particular line I referenced above to be a great catch-all retort when someone accuses me of not being ladylike or some shit. I have no idea if the Flotbots' account account of what happened is accurate (the internet has failed me!) but the song is obscure enough that I don't feel like a total corporate whore.
4. "Go 'head and hate on me hater." This is another song one (noticing a theme here?). It's called "Hate On Me" and is originally sung by Jill Scott, however, I actually heard it the first time on an episode of Glee (outstanding). It usually fits as a retort in all situations that #3 does not cover. Let's face facts, I'm kind of a bitch. I find it to be quite useful to acknowledge that if someone isn't going to like you, let them go the fuck ahead and not like you. I got shit to do, and trying to win over someone who doesn't want to like me isn't high on my list.

Assuming I have any readers at this point, I'd love to hear what he or she thinks on the subject or any other good mottoes to keep in mind.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Cannot Sew

How to Sew A Remote Control Caddy in 20 Easy Steps!

1. Find really cool looking flamingo patterned fabric in one of those "yard of precut fabric!" packages, purchase on a whim.
2. Leave in craft box for at least 3 months while you figure out the pattern.
3. Decide that a rectangle folded over on itself is just about the easiest freaking thing ever and suck it up.
4. Dig out fabric, measure approximately how tall the pocket should be. Fold it over.
5. Cut off rectangle of fabric approximtely as tall as pocket.
6. Get bored, put back in craft box for another couple of months before it migrates slowly under your bed.
7. Sometime in the next 2 months, decide you need the caddy and dig out fabric from floor under bed.
8. Have no idea why you cut the fabric in the first place. Pin right sides together and sew it back on.
9. Pin fabric into a tube and sew together. Realize fabric is really wrinkled (probably as a result of its multi-month long sojourn on the floor) and you should probably iron it and press the seams.
10. Remember iron is downstairs and you are not. Say "Eh, fuck it. It's a pocket that holds remotes" and continue on. Revisit this decision in all successive steps.
11. Sew bottom of tube shut, flip inside out.
12. Pour in plastic pellets (the kind you put in a hackeysack) into bottom of tube.
13. Attempt to sew a line of stitches over the top of where the pellets will be.
14. Accept that you are never going to actually get ALL the pellets stuck in the bottom. Aim for as many as possible.
15. Tuck in raw edges at open end, sew together.
16. Fold pocket up, pin and sew forming one long pocket.
17. Insert remotes and measure how big individual pockets should be.
18. Pin pockets.
19. Realize there is absolutely no way you're going to bother sewing individual pockets and remove pins.
20. Drape over end of something (such as arm of sofa or the bar on the side of my file cabinet). Insert remotes. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Project Runway Day!

Well, actually Project Runway Day was a few days ago in New York (or maybe yesterday?) and I don't live in New York. But tonight was the premier of season 7 and that's good enough for me!

The thing about Project Runway is that it makes me think I'm good at sewing, which is not necessarily the case. I become the female/gay equivalent of that 45 year old former second string high school quarterback who watches the Super Bowl with a beer in his hand and talks about how the Vikings would be the team to beat this year if t hey could jut cover the spread (do they do that in football?) and how he TOTALLY could have made the pass that whatsisface just dropped. "Oh I know!" my brain says, "That is just a simple A-line skirt and tank top except they're sewn together! It's the embellishments and the draping that make it look so pretty! That is super simple! Me and my one semester of high school dress making and the sewing machine I haven't used in over a year can TOTALLY do that!"

At some point, my natural laziness kicks in and informs me that no, in fact, I cannot make patterns no matter how simple they may be. The sum total of my sewing is 2 Ren Fest costumes and 2 dresses, one of which split open! At a wedding!

Unfortunately, the Internet is not exactly helpful at this point. It is full of links to things I want to do and StumbleUpon lures me into scary places that show me neat things I want to do.

I recently came across a tutorial for making a dress form out of tape, which actually I had been brainstorming for a long time before finding out it's a "thing." I meant to do it over New Years, but failed. I need to locate an assistant who I can make apply tape to my body for several hours at a stretch before I can pull this off (pun unintended).

My secret desire is to start cosplaying. I want to cosplay She-Ra Princess of Power, Power Girl, and Sailor Jupiter. To be Jupier, I'm going to need to either get a wig or grow my hair out and dye it brown (natural blonde can I get a hell yeah?), but I am dedicated to this costume for personal reasons. She's abnormally tall, I'm abnormally tall. She likes to cook, I like to cook! She likes to beat up guys, I like to beat up guys! It's synergy!

Also, I may have taken a lot of OTC painkillers since my car accident including some Tylenol PM, so you'll need to forgive my babbling.

So okay, long story short, my secondary aspiration this year is to start sewing again. Yay sewing!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mother Fucking OW!

It NEVER FAILS. Every single time I let my car get dirty, it gets rear ended and has to go to the shop. I took a short road trip over New Years and never got around to to cleaning the fast food bags out of it.


So today, on my way to work, a car had to slam on its brakes at a stop light. The car behind it slammed on their brakes. The car behind them hit their brakes. I slammed on mine. The car behind me didn't slam theirs on fast enough. My car got slammed into the one in front of me and they hit the car in front of them.

Awesome timing! I have classes starting on Tuesday and I'm not sure I'll be able to get a rental. I'm going to press for one, at least.

Unfortunately, this is not my first time at this rodeo, so allow me to give you some tips should you ever find yourself with your bumper locked up with an SUV.
1.) Call 911. If you live someplace with a non-emergency hotline, call that. But you need to call emergency services This wreck involved 4 cars and 7 people. One of the cars was leaking antifreeze, so we got the full complement of EMTs, fire truck, Department of Public Safety, and Highway Patrol. I ended up on the phone with 911 because of the 3 other cars, 2 were populated by teenagers.
2.) If your car can move, pull off the side of the road. If it doesn't move (which mine didn't), turn off your car, get out onto the side of the road once traffic clears up, and the back car needs to put on their blinkers.
3.) If your airbags didn't go off, don't go back in the car.
4.) Keep your registration, proof of insurance, and any other important documents in a folder in your glove box. I forgot to take this out of my car, but was able to get the firemen to pull it out for me. All the accident documentation and business cards go into the folder which I take with me wherever I go.
5.) Take photos. Your cell phone is fine, but make sure you have pictures. I got pictures of the back of my car, the front of the car that hit me, the two cars when they were locked together, the front of my car, the back of the car I hit, and the front of the car that I hit. The fourth car had no damage that anyone could see.
6.) If you're the one responsible for the accident, don't tell the people you hit that you're too short to reach the pedals of your SUV. Also, if your 17 year old is 5 feet tall, she probably shouldn't be driving a Lincoln Navigator.

Otherwise, it was actually a pleasant (relatively speaking) accident. The EMTs commented to me that they liked my accident because nobody was arguing or fighting with each other. That's the good thing about getting into an accident with teenagers, they don't tend to flip out too much about that stuff.

The best part of the accident? The tow truck drivers were making bets over which cars would be totaled. At one point, they turned on mine to check the mileage and the Glee cover of "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" came on super loud. The girl I rear ended complemented me on my good taste.

Anyway, I am called out of work to deal with the accident and will be spending the rest of the day sitting down and praying I don't actually have whiplash.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things That Are Not Good

Sometimes things just all come together.

I'm hoping to do just a little bit toward cleaning and organizing each day as I am able. Today got off to a great start -- my boss is out of town and he needed a package taken to the FedEx office, so I got out of work early in order to drop it off, so I was able to get home pretty early. I was even kind of feeling a good mood and I was all about coming home and getting stuff to happen.

Yeah, the thing is, I was done with dinner by about 10 to 6. At 6 Central, A&E does two episodes of Criminal Minds. At 8 central, Ion shows God only knows how many episodes of Criminal Minds.

My day, so far, has been spent saying things like "NO! BAD IDEA REID!! Don't go in there!!"

I blame Matthew Grey Gubler and his shiny blond hair, myself.

Quick and Easy Breakfast

I'm a snooze button addict, so when I leave the house if I'm going to get breakfast it probably needs to be super fast. Usually, this means I'll maybe eat some peanut butter on toast in my car if I have time to prepare it in the morning. I have, however, discovered a way to make breakfast burritos that takes less time and doesn't leave crumbs on my sweater! There would be pictures except when I'm making this I'm usually pretty pressed for time. Sucks for you!

3 Minute Breakfast Burritos

1 Large egg
1 Small flour tortilla (corn works, too)
1-2 strips precooked bacon or sausage (optional)
Shredded cheese (optional, but recommended if you include the meat option)
Whatever seasonings you like in your scrambled eggs. I like a splash of milk and some salt and pepper, but shredded cheese and vegetables work here, too.

In a small juice glass, mix egg and egg seasonings with fork.
Put in the microwave for 1 minute on high or until egg mass is solid
Remove from microwave (careful, it'll be extremely hot)
This can be kept in the refrigerator over night if you're super lazy in the mornings.
Place bacon/sausage, cheese on tortilla. If egg is still hot, hold it out. Otherwise, use a fork to cut the egg into a few smaller pieces and place on tortilla.
Microwave for 30 seconds.
Wrap like a burrito (be sure to tuck the bottom under), then wrap in a paper towel and leave house.
Enjoy in car on way to work.

A New Years Resolution

So here's the thing, every year for New Years I always swear up and don I'm going to start keeping a journal. The reason for this is because I think that journals provide accountability and help you be better at everything you attempt. The thing is, this year, I totally went to visit a friend for the holiday and forgot my journal. Awesome. I'm off to a great start, right?

I've been trying to get a few things to happen this year. I am a 25 hour a week receptionist, a full time student working toward an associates degree in science, and a long distance girlfriend. What I'm saying here is that I have a lot on my plate and if I'm going to keep all these balls in the air (to mix some metaphors) I need to set myself up for success.

Here's what I want to do this year:
1. Finish my associates degree. This is kind of a no-brainer, but I'm 24. I should have finished this damn thing already but I'm such a flake I keep changing majors. If I can get 4 credits to transfer from when I lived in North Carolina, I'm on schedule to graduate by the end of the next fall semester.
2. Get organized. I moved back in with my mom to save money, so right now all my belongings are squished into a room with a tiny closet. It doesn't have to be attractive, but I'm sick of using the floor as a dresser and never being able to find anything. My big challenges in this room are going to be keeping the electronics situation under control (I'm a sucker for new toys) and keeping my yarn and knitting crap contained (I'm also a prodigious knitter, the stash isn't so gigantic except that I have absolutely NO ROOM).
3. Work out a budget and save money. So the thing about moving in with my mom to save money is great and all, but when I'm blowing all my money on trips to Ikea and the craft store it defeats the purpose. Betsey Johnson will just have to find another schmuck to buy all her jewelry at Macy's. I'd like to save $2,000 this year not counting financial aid money.
4. Pay off my non-student loan debt. I'm in the hole for about $4,000 as a result of a bout with pneumonia that landed me in the ER a few years ago. I suspect I'll be able to negotiate the debt collectors down to about $1,500 if I offer them a lump sum and get the debt off my credit.
5. Eat better and exercise more. I have a migraines which are eased by caffeine, but I hate coffee so I drink a lot of soda. I also tend to eat out a lot during the semester because I am living out of my car. I'd like to start packing meals and hitting the gym a couple days a week and walking on weekends. If I can't get into my karate class on Tuesdays, then Tuesday and Friday I'll take advantage of the free gym the school offers me and Saturdays and Sundays I'll walk the dogs. I'd add something here about staying hydrated, but I'm actually pretty good about that.

So there. The five things I'd like to accomplish for myself. My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Birdie.