Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Project Runway Day!

Well, actually Project Runway Day was a few days ago in New York (or maybe yesterday?) and I don't live in New York. But tonight was the premier of season 7 and that's good enough for me!

The thing about Project Runway is that it makes me think I'm good at sewing, which is not necessarily the case. I become the female/gay equivalent of that 45 year old former second string high school quarterback who watches the Super Bowl with a beer in his hand and talks about how the Vikings would be the team to beat this year if t hey could jut cover the spread (do they do that in football?) and how he TOTALLY could have made the pass that whatsisface just dropped. "Oh I know!" my brain says, "That is just a simple A-line skirt and tank top except they're sewn together! It's the embellishments and the draping that make it look so pretty! That is super simple! Me and my one semester of high school dress making and the sewing machine I haven't used in over a year can TOTALLY do that!"

At some point, my natural laziness kicks in and informs me that no, in fact, I cannot make patterns no matter how simple they may be. The sum total of my sewing is 2 Ren Fest costumes and 2 dresses, one of which split open! At a wedding!

Unfortunately, the Internet is not exactly helpful at this point. It is full of links to things I want to do and StumbleUpon lures me into scary places that show me neat things I want to do.

I recently came across a tutorial for making a dress form out of tape, which actually I had been brainstorming for a long time before finding out it's a "thing." I meant to do it over New Years, but failed. I need to locate an assistant who I can make apply tape to my body for several hours at a stretch before I can pull this off (pun unintended).

My secret desire is to start cosplaying. I want to cosplay She-Ra Princess of Power, Power Girl, and Sailor Jupiter. To be Jupier, I'm going to need to either get a wig or grow my hair out and dye it brown (natural blonde can I get a hell yeah?), but I am dedicated to this costume for personal reasons. She's abnormally tall, I'm abnormally tall. She likes to cook, I like to cook! She likes to beat up guys, I like to beat up guys! It's synergy!

Also, I may have taken a lot of OTC painkillers since my car accident including some Tylenol PM, so you'll need to forgive my babbling.

So okay, long story short, my secondary aspiration this year is to start sewing again. Yay sewing!

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