So here's the thing, every year for New Years I always swear up and don I'm going to start keeping a journal. The reason for this is because I think that journals provide accountability and help you be better at everything you attempt. The thing is, this year, I totally went to visit a friend for the holiday and forgot my journal. Awesome. I'm off to a great start, right?
I've been trying to get a few things to happen this year. I am a 25 hour a week receptionist, a full time student working toward an associates degree in science, and a long distance girlfriend. What I'm saying here is that I have a lot on my plate and if I'm going to keep all these balls in the air (to mix some metaphors) I need to set myself up for success.
Here's what I want to do this year:
1. Finish my associates degree. This is kind of a no-brainer, but I'm 24. I should have finished this damn thing already but I'm such a flake I keep changing majors. If I can get 4 credits to transfer from when I lived in North Carolina, I'm on schedule to graduate by the end of the next fall semester.
2. Get organized. I moved back in with my mom to save money, so right now all my belongings are squished into a room with a tiny closet. It doesn't have to be attractive, but I'm sick of using the floor as a dresser and never being able to find anything. My big challenges in this room are going to be keeping the electronics situation under control (I'm a sucker for new toys) and keeping my yarn and knitting crap contained (I'm also a prodigious knitter, the stash isn't so gigantic except that I have absolutely NO ROOM).
3. Work out a budget and save money. So the thing about moving in with my mom to save money is great and all, but when I'm blowing all my money on trips to Ikea and the craft store it defeats the purpose. Betsey Johnson will just have to find another schmuck to buy all her jewelry at Macy's. I'd like to save $2,000 this year not counting financial aid money.
4. Pay off my non-student loan debt. I'm in the hole for about $4,000 as a result of a bout with pneumonia that landed me in the ER a few years ago. I suspect I'll be able to negotiate the debt collectors down to about $1,500 if I offer them a lump sum and get the debt off my credit.
5. Eat better and exercise more. I have a migraines which are eased by caffeine, but I hate coffee so I drink a lot of soda. I also tend to eat out a lot during the semester because I am living out of my car. I'd like to start packing meals and hitting the gym a couple days a week and walking on weekends. If I can't get into my karate class on Tuesdays, then Tuesday and Friday I'll take advantage of the free gym the school offers me and Saturdays and Sundays I'll walk the dogs. I'd add something here about staying hydrated, but I'm actually pretty good about that.
So there. The five things I'd like to accomplish for myself. My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Birdie.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A New Years Resolution
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Good luck with atll that, Efficient Elizabeth.