Friday, January 29, 2010

Excuses, excuses...

Alright, so I totally have posts planned! Good posts! Lots of posts! My problems are twofold:
1. I am ill. My mother got something or another which seems to have migrated into pneumonia. I managed to contract whatever she had before the pneumonia which mostly just makes me want to be asleep all the time. Instead, I had a project at work with a super tight deadline so I've been skipping classes to sleep so I can finish my deadline. That is now met.
2. Classes. Holy shit, I have a lot of classes! I had to skip 3 of them this week due to illness, but the one class I did not miss was chemistry. Unfortunately, I hate chemistry. I hate it with a firey passion. Well, that's not fair. I actually really like chemistry. I'm a chem major. I just hate this particular chemistry class which I unfortunately need for my major. This is the worst professor ever (more on that later, I suspect strongly there will be more about it come Tuesday when I'll be stuck in the class again) and I can't drop the class without postponing my graduation for a full semester. I am therefore stuck in an incredibly remedial class that feels like having my teeth pulled for 3 hours nightly twice a week. I would honestly rather go to the dentist AND the OB/GYN to be lectured about my hygiene twice a week. That is how bad it is.

Anyway, I just hate to not post because I'm enjoying it so much so I figured I'd come make my excuses to the interwebz.

Assuming I don't come down with pneumonia to match my mother, I'm planning to FINALLY hit the gym on Tuesday. I know, I've only been saying that for what, 2 weeks now?

Oh and Operation: Eat Less Meat has so far been successful. I managed to avoid meat for a week. I finally ate some last night in a lasagna because I was sick and didn't feel like making my own damn dinner.

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